The world system (i.e., the political/economic and mass media manipulated social world) has its "arguments" and its appeals which invariably are focused on egotistic desire or self-preservation. We are tempted, are we not, to uncritically receive such messages without serious reflection. Politicians and the mass media regularly use various types of fear mongering to exploit our desire for security and safety.
But to whom are you listening? Who is your authority? The Midrash Rabbah says that the ear gives life to all the organs of the body. How so? By listening (shema) to the Torah. This idea is repeated in the New Testament: "Faith comes from listening to the Word of God" (Rom. 10:17). Since salvation itself comes from heeding the message of God, it should be clear that the Word of God is the authoritative source of truth and meaning for our lives.
In the Scriptures listening and obeying are intimately linked, and we are warned that heeding the messages of this corrupt world can make you into an enemy of God Himself (James 4:4). Listening to other voices (regardless of how seemingly well-intended) puts you at risk of becoming deafened to the Voice of Truth... The world system always has audience with a "crooked and twisted generation" (Deut. 32:5). How else do politicians and advertisers gain their followers?