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Hebrew for Christians
Nevi'im - the Hebrew Prophets

Nevi'im -

The Prophets

The word Nevi'im is the plural form of Navi, or prophet. The Nevi'im, or Hebrew prophetical books, are subdivided into two major parts: four books of the "Former" prophets and 14 books of the "Latter" prophets. Together these books trace Jewish history from the time of Moses' death until the destruction of the First Temple and the subsequent exile of the southern kingdom to Babylonia.

Nevi'im Rishonim - Former Prophets

Nevi'im rishonim



Major Elements


The story of the commission of Joshua to lead the children of Israel into the promised land. The name Yehoshua' means "the Lord saves." Yeshua' (Jesus) is a shortened form of this name.



The story of how Adonai raised up twelve remarkable individuals (called judges or shofetim) to deliver Israel from her enemies. The book ranges over the first 350 years in the Promised Land, from the time of Joshua to Saul.


The rise and rule of Samuel, Israel's greatest judge, and the story of the transition to the Israeli monarchy. The great Davidic covenant is established in this book. In the Tanakh, Samuel is one book, whereas in the Christian Bible, it is divided into 1 and 2 Samuel. Shemu'el means "heard of God."


The history of the undivided kingdom under David and Solomon, the divided kingdom, the fall of Israel in 722 B.C. and Judah's captivity in 586 B.C. In the Tanakh, Melakhim is one book, whereas in the Christian Bible, it is divided into 1 and 2 Kings. Melakhim means "kings."

Nevi'im acharonim - Latter Prophets

The books of the "Latter" prophets contain oracles, admonitions, and fiery revelations from Israel's greatest visionaries. Ranging over 400 years (from 800-400 B.C.), Israel's prophets constantly sought to call both Israel (in the north) and Judah (in the south) back to Adonai -- before inevitable judgment would take place.

The Three Major Latter Prophets and Trei Asar
The Latter Prophets may also be divided into the three major prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel) and "The Twelve" (Trei Asar) so-called minor prophets:

Nevi'im acharonim

Trei Asar (Minor Prophets)

(te-RAY ah-SAR) n. [Aramaic] "Twelve," referring to a group of Prophets who prophesied over a period of more than two hundred years. This period begins towards the end of the Kingdom of Israel in Samaria (ca. 722 B.C.E.) up tp the time of Shivat Zion, the "Return to Zion" and the rebuilding of the First Temple in Jerusalem
(ca. 516 B.C.E.). 

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